Contexts: the new way of organising your work environment - SweetHive
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Contexts make the difference

Contexts are the new way of organising your work environment in SweetHive. Each context represents a different area in which each user can manage, with different people and with different roles, their own activities harmoniously.

What are the contexts
How are the contexts

Always know where you are, always know what is happening

Contexts are organised by levels and allow you to represent online your real organisation. Contexts help you keep together all the conversation, pictures, videos and notes about a topic or a work area. This is why we say that content is contextualised.

Always know where you are, always know what is happening

Contexts are organised by levels and allow you to represent online your real organisation. Contexts help you keep together all the conversation, pictures, videos and notes about a topic or a work area. This is why we say that content is contextualised.

How are the contexts

Achieve your goals in less time: the alternative to chats

The structure by context overcomes problems typical of emails and other platforms based on chats, especially when these tools are extended to the whole organisation.

Unlike chats, in each context you can choose the groups of people to talk to  and share  attachments with, saving time on searches and working more efficiently.


Find out about groups

The chats alternative

Regain control of your data thanks to contextualisation by content.


Bring matrix collaboration inside your organisation.

Leave your details and we will help you define your workplace based on the matrix collaboration!