Remote work: operative both from home and in the office - SweetHive
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Discover the real remote working

Organise your work and cooperate in an innovative way with SweetHive, the platform for remote working.

The platform for messagging and task management, without getting lost between chats and emails. Also from your smartphone..



One single tool to boost work relationships with colleagues as well as with clients and suppliers.


A digital workspace easy to use and able to recreate your organisation wherever you may be.

Reimagine the future of remote work

Work freely without distractions

Work on different topics at the same time, comment on the activities and answer to the requests wherever you may be, thanks to the WebApp or the smartphone app.
The topic, which we call contexts, becomes your tool to contextualise and keep an eye on what you are working on.

Remote working
What are the contexts

Communicate and collaborate online

Are you looking for a tool to always work in synergy with your team?
Invite your clients and employees to collaborate on the platform and share contents in one single channel of communication.  Everyone will see only what is relevant to their work: this will allow everyone to save time by avoiding having a lot of chats open

Communicate and collaborate online

Are you looking for a tool to always work in synergy with your team?
Invite your clients and employees to collaborate on the platform and share contents in one single channel of communication.  Everyone will see only what is relevant to their work: this will allow everyone to save time by avoiding having a lot of chats open

What are the contexts

Personalize the App to manage your activities

You still haven’t found a platform for work from home that moulds itself on your needs?
Connect the systems that you already use or activate the ones you believe could be useful. Create the work environment that attempts to your new hybrid working needs!


Work from home + office = hybrid working

The next stop of collaboration


Organisations that work remotely in Italy

Up to

10 min.

Saved for each user to read and process a message on SweetHive.


SweetHive clients that work remotely

What they say about us:

With the arrival of the pandemic, SweetHive proved itself as the ideal platform for work from home to grow our range of services and solutions and for creating new value propositions. The participants were able to work remotely as if they were in the office, collaborating with one another and allowing an exchange of business opportunities.

Monica Franco, TeamReti

Try Sweethive and always stay connected

while you work remotely