Scheduling: task management is finally collaborative - SweetHive
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Task management is finally collaborative

An app dedicated to tasks and scheduling in a collaborative platform that adapts itself to your activities.


Assign a task to one person or a group, with only one click.


Easily find the relation between the task and the related message.

Schedule and manage your activities

An app dedicated to tasks

View all the tasks, organise and manage the different activities and go into details for every single project with only one click, wherever you may be, thanks to the WebApp or the smartphone app.

Task scheduling

Assign projects to whomever you want: to one…

Do you need to assign a task to be carried out by only one person?
With the Default option select the individual recipient and their supervisor, set the timing, and in an instant, your task is assigned.
You will be able to always monitor it in the tasks App.

Assign projects to whomever you want: to one…

Do you need to assign a task to be carried out by only one person?
With the Default option select the individual recipient and their supervisor, set the timing, and in an instant, your task is assigned.
You will be able to always monitor it in the tasks App.

…or to a thousand!

Do you need to assign a task to a larger group of people?
Use the option Homework, select the relevant group: you will be able to easily learn about the developments and motivate whomever will still need to complete it within the deadline.
Easy, fast and intuitive!

I task, scheduling

Keep the tasks integrated with your communication

The task is always associated with a message. You will be able to understand the topic it refers to and keep an eye on the repeated content. Additionally, with the immediate (display) of messages, you will be able to easily revise the content at a later stage.

Keep the tasks integrated with your communication

The task is always associated with a message. You will be able to understand the topic it refers to and keep an eye on the repeated content. Additionally, with the immediate (display) of messages, you will be able to easily revise the content at a later stage.

I task, scheduling

What they say about us:

The new frontier of task management

Choose groups

Choose the intended group for your message

Add a task

Create your task and assign it to a group or a person belonging to one of the selected groups


Monitor who has completed the task. Close to the deadline you receive an automated notification

You will finally be able to manage all the deadlines and keep your tasks organised.

Reduce work induced stress: your clients’ happiness comes from your collaborators’ happiness.