Why - SweetHive
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“Through the evolutionary process, those who are able to engage in social cooperation of various sorts do better in survival and reproduction.”

(Robert Nozick)

A new way of collaborating

The digital hive on SweetHive is the evolution in communication. It allows you to create a working community which brings your organisation back to the centre, allowing you to overcome the limits of individual and group work. 

Why digital hive

In a hive every bee contributes to the production of honey. In the digital hive on SweetHive everyone contributes to the achievement of the common goal by operating on a single communication channel.

Why digital hive

In a hive every bee contributes to the production of honey. In the digital hive on SweetHive everyone contributes to the achievement of the common goal by operating on a single communication channel.

A single contextualised channel of communication

The only platform where all the sharing of information and documents happens on the same channel, contextualised. This way saving time and having everything under control on one single smart channel.

Contexts make the difference

SweetHive is structurally different because it organises the communication flow of your community by contexts. Share everything in the right context and only with the people you want to involve.

Contexts make the difference

SweetHive is structurally different because it organises the communication flow of your community by contexts. Share everything in the right context and only with the people you want to involve.

A collaborative platform which values everyone’s initiative

Flexibility for every organisation

A hive is created to achieve maximum efficiency from everyone’s contribution.  

Find out how the digital hive works thanks to the services for each type of organisation. 

Is your organisation different?

We believe you! As there are no two same hives, no two organisations are the same! 

Leave your details and we will help you define your Organisation First model!