Home - SweetHive, more than a collaborative platform for organisations
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The evolution of collaboration

SweetHive is way more than a collaborative platform. Its digital hive carries with it a model of sharing thought for all the people of your organisation. Create an Organisation First model.  

Digital hive

There’s a digital hive for every type of organisation

Every kind of organisation has its own way of working and its own complexity. Create an ad hoc collaborative experience for every situation and manage everything in a flexible way, find out the solutions already existing for:

Why is SweetHive different?

Thanks to its digital hives it is the only collaborative platform that collects and contextualises all the information and the documents in a single flow of communication. Create a real experience around collaboration.

Why switch to a digital hive?

Because you will finally be able to make the community of your organisation collaborate based on shared information, making all the contributions converge towards common goals.

Do you want to create your own digital hive on SweetHive?

In a few steps we will help you create your working community in an Organisation First view, contact us here!

Do you want to create your own digital hive on SweetHive?

In a few steps we will help you create your working community in an Organisation First view, contact us here!

Is your organisation different? 


We believe you! As there are no two same hives, no two organisations are the same! 

Leave your details and we will help you define your Organisation First model!